Historical and Environmental Facts

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Historical and Environmental Facts

1.  Ponderosa Nursery began using both sides of Wood Creek on the current site in Summer, 1967.  Both bridges and the existing gazebo were constructed in 1967-1968.  The current building structure facing Highway 28 (Tahoe Boulevard) was built in 1968.

2.  High Sierra Gardens is a seasonal nursery.  There is an approximate six month use of all areas along the creek.

3.  High Sierra Gardens is BMP certified and the only source for Tahoe native plant material, stocking most material per the Home Landscaping Guide.  Note:  Nurseries outside the Tahoe basin are not knowledgeable of nor do they carry most Tahoe native plant material.

4.  High Sierra Gardens is the only nursery in Incline Village; Reno and Carson City nursery sources are 25-30 miles distant from the North Shore.  With 40 years of local service, High Sierra Gardens has saved thousands of miles of additional road usage through the Tahoe Basin.  Tens of thousands of trees, shrubs, perennials, ground cover, seeds, soils (and amendments) have been provided to the basin for erosion control, slope stabilization, beauty and preservation.

5.  High Sierra Gardens has provided landscaping design, installation, and service for hundreds of commercial and residential owners on the North Shore, protecting and preserving the native Tahoe landscape for over 25 years.

6.  The High Sierra Gardens nursery has been, and will continue to be, an educational resource for school trips, garden clubs, and new/existing homeowners.  In addition, High Sierra Gardens will continue to provide BMP guidelines, defensible space information, and remain a source for low water use landscaping materials.

7.  High Sierra Gardens has been licensed every year by the Department of Agriculture, State of Nevada, with periodic inspections by the Division of Plant Industry.  The last inspection was conducted 18Aug2014 (copy available on request) without violation and certified commercially clean.

8.  The Fish & Game Department, State of Nevada, has certified the creek flowing through High Sierra Gardens as clean for stocking; many times the Department has used this part of the creek for milking fish.

9.  Forest Schafer of the Nevada Forest Service Department is recommending High Sierra Gardens as a source of Tahoe native plant material available for the North Shore.

10.  High Sierra Gardens maintains over 450 nursery house accounts saving significant travel for residents.  A number of these are large commercial accounts including the Hyatt Regency at Lake Tahoe, Incline Property Management, and Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID).

11.  High Sierra Gardens is a major employer in the region providing approximately 40 seasonal jobs in addition to a full time staff.

12.  Many old-time local residents can testify to an existing nursery during the 1960s.

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1.  High Sierra Gardens is a major community contributor for Incline Village and the North Shore, including significant donations to:

  • Sierra Nevada College
  • Incline High School
  • Incline Middle School
  • Incline Elementary School
  • Project Mana
  • Shakespeare Festival
  • Boy/Girl Scouts
  • Tahoe Women’s Services
  • Parasol Foundation
  • North Lake Tahoe Historical Society
  • Keep Tahoe Blue
  • and many others

2.  High Sierra Gardens has made a significant contribution to the Lake Tahoe environment:

  • Coordinated/implemented the start of the North Lake Tahoe Demonstration Garden.
  • Worked directly with Lake of the Sky Garden Club.
  • Helped with the first plant list book for the North Shore – “Gardening in the Sierra” – with Bill Carlos, Washoe County Horticulturist.
  • Helped John Cobourn edit “Home Landscaping Guide.”

3.  Worked with Ted France, State of Nevada Fish & Game, regarding Wood Creek fish egg milking of native trout within creek.

4.  High Sierra Gardens is also a partner with the major local construction companies and associations in developing environment-safe landscapes.

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